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Slip, Trips and Falls Safety Blitz

Slip, Trips and Falls Safety Blitz

From February 2nd until March 15th the MOL will be conducting a safety blitz across Ontario targeting hazards involving slips, trips and falls at workplaces in the industrial sector.
The six week safety blitz will check that employers are properly assessing and addressing hazards that could cause workers to slip, trip or fall. They will visit different workplaces, including restaurants, stores, auto shops, arborists/landscapers and plants that manufacture food, beverage and tobacco products and wood and metal products across the province.

They will be checking to ensure:

• employers have policies, programs and safe work practices in place to protect workers from slips, trips and falls and are providing appropriate access and egress to work areas
• employers have assessed ladders, stands and platforms for hazards, maintained equipment and placed it on firm footing when in use
• floors and other work surfaces are kept free of obstructions and other hazards
• employers have trained workers on the use of appropriate fall protection systems, personal protective equipment and other safety devices when working at heights
• employers ensure that workers are using safe work practices when working on truck beds, trailers or the top of loads