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Dental Waterline Hygiene

Over a period of more than 40 years, many studies have shown that output water from Dental Unit Water Lines (DUWLs) is usually heavily contaminated with microorganisms, particularly bacterial species. The high levels of microorganisms found in DUWL output water derive from microbial biofilms formed on the internal surfaces of DUWLs. These biofilms are composed mainly of hydrated complex exopolysaccharides secreted by bacteria.

As the biofilm grows and develops, planktonic cells and by-products such as bacterial endotoxins are released into the water and are subsequently aerosolized by DCU supplied instruments including turbine dental handpieces and ultrasonic scalers. Dental patients and dental healthcare staff become exposed to and can inhale these fine aerosols containing microorganisms, fragments of biofilm and bacterial endotoxins.

The need to control hazardous situations in the workplace is a requirement under OHS law while also providing an additional benefit to patient safety.