Celebrating International Women’s Day March 8 2023

Celebrating International Women’s Day March 8 2023

Women Entrepreneurs

by Lauren McFarlane, BA, CHSC
President, Act First Safety
President, Dental Practice Safety
Founder, Dental Practice Safety Club

As an entrepreneur for over 25 years, I can tell you that nothing is as exciting, and gut-wrenching, as entrepreneurship. As an owner of a safety company that largely derives its revenues from the construction industry, I can honestly say that I didn’t know that being a woman-owned business made a difference. I never even noticed, because I was working so hard just to survive. I just thought that everything was hard for everyone when starting out. In hindsight, I am not sure that is true. Unfortunately, we all have our biases, and gender and race probably matter a lot more than some of us acknowledge.

Since becoming a verified diversity supplier through WBE Canada, I have come to realize that women do have a more difficult time in reaching their true potential, getting raises and getting that next promotion simply because they are women. From my experience working in the corporate world, this was certainly true and the main reason I left it. I felt that there was more opportunity for me creating my own future. It would be solely my responsibility to succeed.

Regardless of gender, starting your own business is difficult. During my entrepreneurial ride, with its many ups and downs, I have found it to be an amazing personal growth exercise that has been both worthwhile and rewarding. Even with recent changes around diversity, I often find myself the only woman at the table. Nonetheless, I bring value to any group that I am participating regardless of who is in the room.  

The advantages of women in leadership positions is that they develop workplace cultures that provide an additional dimension to the corporate scene. It may be demonstrated in a number of different ways including empathy, different reward systems, through gratitude, hiring practices, regard for family, the environment and more. In addition, I have found women entrepreneurs to be generous by supporting and aiding their fellow entrepreneurs with their time and expertise. Often, we purchase products and services from each other or use the products and services of those they recommend.  

When I first started Act First Safety I was looking for other women-owned businesses that I could connect with and there were few that were accessible to me. Over the decades, that has changed and I am witnessing women-owned businesses with revenues in the millions and tens of millions of dollars. Good for them. I think it is important to celebrate successes regardless of position within organizations, industries or society in general. I think that truly successful people are those who are confident in themselves who genuinely celebrate the success of others. The future is bright for entrepreneurs from all backgrounds and experiences, but I think women provide something special that makes business fun and interesting. I look forward to learning more about what women entrepreneurs are creating in this evolving world that we are living in. Exciting times are surely ahead.


Contact Dental Practice Safety at 416.283.7233 or contact us for further information.


Posted on: March 2, 2023 | 0 Comments

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